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Go to record Asiatic Mirror and Commercial Advertiser Asiatic Mirror and Commercial Advertiser
 Asiatic Mirror 1793 - 1798

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Date transcribed2017-01-10
Transcribed byPeter Summers
CommentNames transcribed from the four editions of the Asiatic Mirror and Commercial Advertiser held by the British Library, 1793 - 1798.

View all other items of "Surname" with value "MacDonald" in "Asiatic Mirror 1793 - 1798" Surname  MacDonald    
Forename  Bec...    
Rank  Captain    
View all other items of "Occupation or  Status" with value "Commander of Ship" in "Asiatic Mirror 1793 - 1798" Occupation or Status  Commander of Ship    
View all other items of "Location" with value "Palambang" in "Asiatic Mirror 1793 - 1798" Location  Palambang    
Summary Remarks  Shipwreck --- The Ship Charlotte, commanded by Captain Bec... MacDonald had made a successful voyage on the East Coast, she was in the Straits of Banca and trying to fetch the Port of Palambang when she was shipwrecked. She caught on a rock and with difficulty was got off but was sunk in 14 fathoms of water whilst trying to get to port. The Captain and twelve men got to shore but nine men including the Captain perished in the impenetrable and marshy jungle as they trekked without food or water to Palambang. Captain MacDonald was for many years in the India service, highly respected for his professional abilities, and an innate goodness of heart which endeared him to society. The fate of Mr Price, the owner of the Charlotte is truly singular, on the vessel's sinking he quitted her in a small boat to which he put a chest of gold dust. He reached Palambang where he was given assistance by the Chief of that settlement and given use of a large sloop. He was subsequently attacked by a fleet of Malay Prows which boarded the sloop. Mr Price escaped with his treasure from the other side of the sloop, once more reached Palambang, from which he at length got to Batavia on a small â�¦ vessel, and has taken passage to Bengal on an American Brig.    
View all other items of "Article  Type" with value "Deaths" in "Asiatic Mirror 1793 - 1798" Article Type  Deaths    
View all other items of "Issue  Number" with value "Vol. VI, No. 276" in "Asiatic Mirror 1793 - 1798" Issue Number  Vol. VI, No. 276    
Issue Day  22    
Issue Month  May    
Issue Year  1793    
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Names transcribed from the four editions of the Asiatic Mirror and Commercial Advertiser held by the British Library, 1793 - 1798
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