> Newspapers/Periodicals
The European Magazine & London Review |
Deaths 1782 - 1825
Date transcribed | 2017-01-05 | Transcribed by | Peter Schofield | Comment | European Magazine and London Review - Deaths 1782-1826 |
| Surname | Foote | | Forename | C | | Place | Madras  | | Year | 1812 | | Entry | At Madras, aged 31 years, Captain C Foote, late commander of the Piedmontaise frigate, the only son of the late J Foote, Esq., banker, of London: and also Captain Dawson, who lately went from England, and succeeded Captain Foote in the command of that ship; he was in the 29th year of his age, and the second son of Pudsey Dawson, Esq., of Liverpool. | | Edition Year | 1812 | | Volume | 61 | | Edition Date | April |
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Entries transcribed from The European Magazine published in London from 1782 until 1826.