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 Ferozepore Gawal Mandi

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Date transcribed2016-00-00
Transcribed byPeter Bailey

This is one of the graveyards for which FIBIS commissioned Mr Rajat Sharma to take photographs and details of all legible headstones. All inscriptions are included wherever they are legible.

If you would like to order copies of photographs of any headstone listed in this index please make a note of the Gravestone Reference Number and order copies on our Cemeteries Project page where you will also find more details about this exciting project.

Image Ref:  319    
Photos  778 779 780    
Surname  Joseph    
First Name  Caroline Eugena    
Date of Death  27 Jun 1932    
Inscription  In ever loving memory of Caroline Eugenia , the beloved wife of Barney Joseph N.W.R. killed by a falling tree on 27th June 1932 -- Quick was the summons thou didst receive, No last farewell did thy dear lips repeat in perfect health at noon but oh! At eve, thy kind and gentle heart no longer beat, -- T'is not the tears at the moment shed that tell of a heart that is torn but the tears that are shed in after years and a grief that is silently borne, -- Death's relentless hands hath depived me of my darling Caroline's company, Left for a moment to errand her word that cruel tree supplanted the sword. -- Erected by her ever sorrowing husband. -- R.I.P.    
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