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 Calcutta In memoriam notices

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Date transcribed2016-04-25
Transcribed byPeter Evans
CommentNational Library of Wales - In memoriam notices in Welsh publications of people with India connection

Surname  Hughes    
Given names  Josiah    
Rank  Resident Chaplain to the East India Company    
Place  Malacca    
Year  1840    
Month  November    
Day  25    
Entry  On the 25th of November, aged 38, at Malacca, from an attack of cholera, the Rev. Josiah Hughes, Resident Chaplain to the East India Company. Mr. Hughes was a native of Liverpool, and the eldest son of Mr. John Hughes, an Elder in the Welsh Calvinistic Methodist connexion in that town. He went out to Malacca, in the year 1830, in the service of the London Missionary Society but in 1833, for reasons which it is unnecessary to state here, he accepted Episcopal ordination by Dr, Wilson, the excellent Bishop ot Calcutta, and continued to discharge the duties of his office, up to the period of his death, with great satisfaction. The Malacca â��Weekly Registerâ��, on announcing his decease, remarks as follows: - â��He had during his ministrations won the respect and the affection of not only his immediate parishioners, but of a large portion of the community; and in proof of the esteem in which he was held, it is only neccessary to mention, so anxious were the Protestant residents for his stay among them, and fearing his removal after his ordination at Calcutta, that they petitioned the Supreme Government to appoint him to the Chaplaincy of Malacca.â�� It is not a little extraordinary that Mr. Hughes's death occurred on the very day that the Welsh Calvinistic Methodists' first foreign missionary, the Rev. Thomas Jones, took his departure for India from Liverpool.     
Publication  The North Wales Chronicle and Advertiser for the Principality    
Edition Year  1841    
Edition month  May    
Edition date  4    
Page No  3    
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Welsh Newspapers Online (1804-1919) (http://newspapers.library.wales/home). 700 english language entries transcribed from the Family Notices that have a reference to 'Madras'. Transcribed by Peter Evans with the cooperation of the National Library of Wales.
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