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Go to record St Patricks RC Church, Bangalore - Baptismal Registers St Patricks RC Church, Bangalore - Baptismal Registers
 St. Patrick R.C. Church Baptisms A (1832-1837)

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Date transcribed2016-01-01
Transcribed byPeter Bailey
CommentThese records were taken during the Family History Tour of South India in Oct. 2015 by the kind permission of the Parish Priest of St. Patrick's, Monsignor Francis. Please Note that the style of the records notably changes during 1837, and is probably co-incident with the "take over" by the East India Company Ecclesiastical Authorities at the time of construction of St. Patricks for use by the Company as a Garrison Church for its R.C. Soldiers.

2. Note also that the earlier records are written in French, since the French Missionaries established the original community and their priest all French. Later as the EIC took over, they must have requested a change of language to English. fortunately, the incumbent, the redoubtable Father Dupuis, coped well with this, with the possible spelling of the names of the British (Irish) soldiers. This results I sometimes amusing spellings.

3. It is assumed that researchers can cope with these French originals

4. A check has been made against some of the Muster Lists for the Regiments present in Bangalore at the time. H.M. 39th Foot (WO12/5271) and H.M. 13th Dragoons (WO/12 1109) This has not always been successful.

Date of Baptism  31 May 1836    
First Name of Baptised  Margaret    
Father  James    
Surname as written  Tyhe    
Checked First Name of Father  James    
Checked Surname of Father  Tyghe    
Mother  Margaret    
Father  Private, H.M.'s 39th Regiment    
Ceremony Performed by:  L. Dupuis    
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Transcribed from digital photographs of the Baptismal Registers held at St Patricks RC Church, Bangalore, Madras.
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