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 South East Asia and Japan Cemetery Record Books

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Date transcribed2000-00-00
Transcribed byBritish Association for Cemeteries in South Asia
CommentIndex of burials recorded in Cemetery Record Books Index of burials recorded in BACSA`s Cemetery Record Books relating to India and Burma.

Many of these books are still in print and sometimes contain more information, for example the text of an inscription, than is given here. Should you wish to order a copy write to Bacsa Books, 26 Northchurch Terrace, London, N1 4EG, or email [email protected].

All the books can be consulted at the British Library.

View all other items of "Surname" with value "Brooschooft" in "South East Asia and Japan Cemetery Record Books" Surname  Brooschooft    
Forename(s)  William Edward    
Title/ Occupation  Lieutenant 35th Regt. Madras NI.    
Date of death  01 Mar. 1830    
Place name  Georgetown    
View all other items of "Cemetery" with value "Northam Road cemetery" in "South East Asia and Japan Cemetery Record Books" Cemetery  Northam Road cemetery    
Province/ State  Penang    
Country  Malaysia    
Age  27y    
Cause of death  accidentally drowned while bathing    
Date of birth  16 Oct 1803    
Remarks  From surveys in 1976, 1977 and 1985    
1st relative: surname  Brooschooft    
1st relative: forenames  Bernard Emanual    
Cemetery Record Book  Christian Cemeteries of Penang and Perak, p55    
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Index of burials recorded in BACSA`s Cemetery Record Books relating to India and Burma.

Many of these books are still in print and sometimes contain more information, for example the text of an inscription, than is given here. Should you wish to order a copy write to Bacsa Books, 26 Northchurch Terrace, London, N1 4EG, or email [email protected].

All the books can be consulted at the British Library.
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