Ecclesiastical & Reg Office
> Births Outside India
Columbo Births |
Colombo Register of Births 1902 and 1909
Date transcribed | 2000-00-00 | Transcribed by | Bob Garner |
| Doc No | View image | | Number | 4844 | | Province | Western  | | District | Colombo, Maradana No 3, Colombo Town  | | Date of birth | 05 April 1902 | | Place | Garden No 43 Temple Road  | | Surname | Jansz | | Name of child | Edward Charles | | Sex | Male | | Name of father | Patrick Jansz | | Name and Maiden name of mother and race | Aloysia Theresa Jansz, nee Rodgrio (Burgher) | | Rank or profession of father | Tailor (Burgher) | | Were parents married? | Yes  | | When/where parents were married | St Philip Neri's Church, Pettah | | Name and residence of declarant, and in what capacity he gives information | Patrick Jansz of No 43 Temple Road, Father | | When registered | 27 May 1902 |
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