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 Plassey (EIC) 1909. Officers & Families - Embarkation List (L/MIL/15/47)

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DescriptionEmbarkation Lists held by the British Library L/MIL/15/47.

Plassey: Southampton 11 Dec 1909 to Bombay 3 Jan 1910, stopping at Alexandria and Suez.
Date transcribed2000-00-00
Transcribed bySylvia Murphy
CommentNominal list of Officers and their families. Also noted, but not named: 199 3rd class men from Southampton to Gibraltar
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Ship  Plassey    
Port of Origin  Southampton    
View all other items of "Surname" with value "Bond" in "Plassey (EIC) 1909. Officers & Families - Embarkation List (L/MIL/15/47)" Surname  Bond    
First Name  J H R    
Rank or Title  Capt    
View all other items of "Regiment" with value "R A M C" in "Plassey (EIC) 1909. Officers & Families - Embarkation List (L/MIL/15/47)" Regiment  R A M C    
Embarked Place  Southampton    
Embarked Date  11 Dec 1909    
Disembarked Place  Bombay    
Disembarked Date  3 Jan 1910    
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