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Date transcribed2014-00-00
Transcribed byMalcolm Speirs
CommentPlease note that, for example, in a Christening record, the parents and sometimes witnesses, are separately indexed but they will appear in the same photograph as the child baptized. In this separate series, addresses and occupations may be given in its index but may, again, refer to the same photograph as may feature in another series.

To request a copy of a photograph, which will contain further detail, please contact Malcolm at [email protected] and quote to him from the results page:

* The Reference Number
* The number of the film
* The full name of the Person of interest
* Your FIBIS Membership Number (if current) or 'Non-Member'

and he will handle the matter with you from then on.

Ref No.  LM2960-61    
Photo no  P1030336    
Location  La Martiniere College, Lucknow    
Type of record  School register (parent/guardian)    
Year  1930    
Man's First Name  J.J.    
Surname  Barry    
Occupation  Depy Postmaster General    
Address  19 Nicholson Rd    
City  Lahore    
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Please Note that we reproduce here a dataset of brief details extracted from a series of photographs taken by Malcolm Speirs from a variety of sources in Allahabad, Lucknow and Moradabad. They are in the form of an index to a large series of photographs in Malcolm's possession and we can provide copies of these photographs for a small donation.

If you are not a FIBIS member please make a donation via the PayPal donation button on the donations page of the FIBIS website. Copies of the photos are free to FIBIS members. Then email the treasurer at [email protected] informing him of your donation and quoting the below details from the index entry.

* The Reference Number
* The number of the film
* The full name of the Person of interest
* Your FIBIS Membership Number (if current) or 'Non-Member'.
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