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Go to record Parbury Parbury's Oriental Herald & Colonial Intelligencer
 Home Deaths 1838-39

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Date transcribed2014-00-00
Transcribed byPeter Schofield

Surname  Blackburne    
First Names  William    
Place  London    
Year  1839    
Month  October    
Day  16    
Entry  BLACKBURNE � Major General Sir William Blackburne, on the Honourable East India Company's Madras Establishment, on the 16th October, at his house in Portland Place, in the 76th year of his age, after a painful and lingering illness. Sir William Blackburne went to India in 1782, where his zeal and talents soon recommended him to the respect of his brother officers, and the confidence of his superiors; and after an honourable and active career through the subordinate ranks of his profession, he was selected, at a period of peculiar difficulty, to fill the station of Resident at the Court of Tanjore. After 40 years spent in the service of the Company, and having received the repeated thanks of the different governments in India, he returned to his native land.    
Edition Year  1839    
Edition Date  Vol IV, No XXIII, November 1839    
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Domestic Occurrences transcribed from "Parbury's Oriental Herald & Colonial Intelligencer" by Peter Schofield
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