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 Agram Protestant Cemetery 1806-1866

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Date transcribed2000-00-00
Transcribed byRonnie Johnson
CommentAn alphabetical list of headstones still in existence in the Old Protestant Cemetery at Agram, Bangalore, India. This cemetery was in use from 1806 to 1866 and is sometimes called 'the Agram Cemetery'. The 'new' Protestant Cemetery is at Hosur Road, Bangalore and has been in use from 1866 until the present day.

The following table was prepared by Ronnie Johnson of Bangalore from extensive work carried out by Admiral O.S. Dawson of the Indian Navy. The Cemetery was inspected in 1988, then Admiral Dawson and the ASC listed every grave again during October to December 1997. A new ground plan was made, and graves re-assigned to this new plan. Please note that some of the graves stones listed in 1988 were not found in 1997. They may have been removed. There are many stones that have wandered into the neighbourhood that are not yet listed. This listing is by no means complete. There may be many graves that are buried under the mud, or because of snakes may not have been recorded.

Work is still ongoing to identify all graves, whether with headstones or without, in the Agram Cemetery. Admiral Dawson appeals for help and information on this cemetery. Further information, inscriptions and some pictures are on Ronnie Johnson's site.

Key to Table: S88 - Serial in 1988 G88 - Grave number given in 1988 R88 - Row given in 1988 P97 - Plot assigned in 1997 G97 - Grave number assigned in 1997 S97 - Grave Serial Number given in 1997

First Name(s)  Nathaniel    
View all other items of "Surname" with value "Rice" in "Agram Protestant Cemetery 1806-1866" Surname  Rice    
Date of Death  March 13, 1840    
G88  0    
R88  0    
P97  C(1)    
G97  383    
S97  156    
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