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 Kabul British Cemetery Name Index

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Date transcribed2012-00-00
Transcribed byPenny Tipper
CommentIndex for photographs of graves in Kabul British Cemetery sent to FIBIS by Liz Chater.

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View all other items of "Surname" with value "Johnson" in "Kabul British Cemetery Name Index" Surname  Johnson    
Rank  Private HCR    
Date of death  01 Aug [20]06    
Place  Kabul    
Inscription  Sacred to the memory of: 22-Mar-06 Cpl Cridge R Signals; 27-Mar-06 LCpl Craddock RBGW; 11-Jun-06 Capt Philippson RHA; 27-Jun-06 Capt Patten PARA, 27-Jun-06, Sgt Bartlett RM; 01-Jul-06 LCpl Hashmi IntCorps; 01-Jul-06 Cpl Thorpe R Signals; 05-Jul-06 Pte Jockson PARA; 01-Aug-06 Capt Eide RHA; 01-Aug-06 2Lt Johnson HCR; 01-Aug=06 LCpl Nicholls Blues & Royals; 06-Aug-06 Pte Cutts RLC; 09-Aug-06 Pte Reeves RLC; 12-Aug-06 LCpl Tansey LG; 20-Aug-06 Cpl Budd PARA; 27-Aug-06 LCpl Hetherington R Signals; 01-Sep-06 Rgr Draiva R Irish; 02-Sep-06 Mne Windall RM; 02-Sep-06 Cpl Dicketts PARA; 02-Sep-06 Flt Lt Johnson RAF; 02-Sep-06 Flt Lt Michelmore RAF; 02-Sep-06 Flt Lt Nicholas RAF; 02-Sep-06 Flt Lt Squires RAF; 02-Sep-06 Flt Lt Swarbrick RAF;p 02-Sep-06 FS Andrews RAF; 02-Sep-06 FS Beattie RAF; 02-Sep-06 FS Bell RAF; 02-Sep-06 FS Davies RAF; 02-Sep-06 FS Davies RAF; 02-Sep-06 Sgt Knight RAF; 02-Sep-06 Sgt Langton RAF; 02-Sep-06 Sgt Quilliam RAF; 04-Sep-06 Pte O'Donnell A&SH; 06-Sep-06 Cpl Wright PARA; 06-Sep-06 McCulloch R Irish; 06-Sep-06 LCpl Muirhead R Irish; 06-Sep-06 Mne Wright RM; [date missing from image] Mne Watson RM; [date and rank missing from image] Wigley RA. [ ... arms of God.]    
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