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 Kabul British Cemetery Name Index

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Date transcribed2012-00-00
Transcribed byPenny Tipper
CommentIndex for photographs of graves in Kabul British Cemetery sent to FIBIS by Liz Chater.

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View all other items of "Surname" with value "Gaisford" in "Kabul British Cemetery Name Index" Surname  Gaisford    
First names  Cecil Henry    
Rank  Lieutenant 72nd Highlanders (Seaforths)    
Date of death  14 Dec 1879    
Place  Asmai Heights    
Inscription  Lieutenant Cecil Henry Gaisford 72nd Highlanders (Seaforths). Aged 23. Died 14 December 1879 on the slo9pes of the Asmai Heights (known colloquially today as TV Hill.) The eldest son of Lt Col John Gaisford he was born in Galway on 20 Septembe r1856, raised in Dunboyne, County Meath and educated at Eton. Before joining the Army he was awarded the Royal Humane Society's Bronze Meda lfor gallantrywhen, canoeing on the River Rhine in Bonn, he saved the life of another youth who had capsized and was drowning. He entered the Army in Septembe 1876 and a year later joined his father's old regiment, the 72nd Highlanders, at Aailkot [sic], India (his father had commanded the Seaforths in the Crimea). He aw action at Piewar Kotal, Shutargarden and Sapiri defile. During he spring and autumn of 1879 he acted as Adjutant to his rgiment, and as Brigade Major at Ali Khel. On 6 October 1879 he took part in the Battle of Charasaib, 10 miles south of Kabul. ON 14 Decembe rLt Gaisford commanded one of hte companies of hte 72nd Highlanders which, under the command of Colonel Brownlow, stormed the Asmai Heights. It was in the evening of the same day, on teh orderly retirement from the hill which had been so bravely won , that Gaisford received his death wound. 'The awful suddenness of the shock could not, howeve,r quell thegallantry of his spirit. Indicating his sword, he called on his comrades to take care of it, because it was his father's.' ""He died like a soldier"    
Remarks  wrote Colonel Brownlow    
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