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Go to record South Park Street Cemetery, Calcutta South Park Street Cemetery, Calcutta
 South Park Street Cemetery, Calcutta - Part 3 [Holmes and Co]

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DescriptionTranscribed from Bengal Obituary. A compilation of tablets and monumental Inscriptions from various parts of Bengal and Agra Presidencies. By Holmes and Co., printed by W Thacker and Co 1851.
Date transcribed2012-08-01
Transcribed byPeter Bailey
CommentSouth Park Street Burial Ground begins on page 106 of the book and ends on page 176 - listing all inscriptions found in that cemetery as at 1851.

Surname  Laine    
Forename(s)  P.G.M.    
Year of Death  1839    
Inscription  To the Memory of P.G.M. Laine, who departed this life on the 11th April 1839, at Midnapore, aged 16 years, 7 months and 29 days. A fine promising lad nipped off in the prime of youth and just as he had commenced his career in life.    
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Transcribed from Holmes and Co - Bengal Obituary, and photographs of headstones at South Park Street Cemetery, Calcutta.
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