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Go to record South Park Street Cemetery, Calcutta South Park Street Cemetery, Calcutta
 South Park Street Cemetery, Calcutta - Part 3

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Date transcribed2012-08-01
Transcribed byPeter Bailey

Surname  Paton    
Forename(s)  William    
Year of Death  1824    
Inscription  Sacred to the memory of William, son of William Paton, Esq., of the H. C. Civil Service, who departed this life on 3d May, A. D, 1824, aged 3 years, 8 months and 1 day. A most promising and engaging child; the pride and joy of his parents, who fondly, but Alas! vainly hoped, that the sweet and fair blossom would have timely ripened into fruit. Their sorrows and affliction may be unspeakable, yet softened and subdued by the conviction that their departed darling, is happy in the realms of bliss.    
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MIs in this Cemetery erected up to 1851
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