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Go to record Decrees of High Court of Chancery Decrees of High Court of Chancery
 Decrees of the High Court of Chancery, London, 1748-1881

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Transcribed bySteve van Dulken

Surname  Tuder    
First names  Matthew    
Place  Fort St George    
Rank  Merchant    
London Gazette date  17 Aug 1830    
Page  1767    
Details  The cause Tuder v Poulett. The creditors and legatees of Matthew Smith, late of Fort St George, in the East Indies, merchant, deceased, who died in December 1794, at Fort St George, are to prove their debts and make their claims.     
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The listing is of decrees made by the High Court of Chancery in London as reported on the official �London Gazette�, available online at 'http://www.london-gazette.co.uk/ .

They occur when in litigation it was necessary to, mainly, call for creditors or legatees to make claims. The Gazette�s wording is usually �pursuant to a decree�, occasionally �whereas by a decree�, of the High Court of Chancery. The parties named in the �cause� or case are often given to help finding them in the National Archives� �equity suits�, as explained in their leaflet �Chancery Equity suits after 1558� http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/records/research-guides/chancery-equity-from-1558.htm, which is essential reading when researching such litigation.

When trying to find them in the National Archives catalogue http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/catalogue/search.asp (which will not always be successful) limit the search to the C class.
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