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Go to record Gentlemans Magazine Gentlemans Magazine
 Death Announcements 1845-1854

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Transcribed bySteve van Dulken

Surname  Allen    
First names  Charles    
Rank / occupation  Captain    
View all other items of "Unit" with value "Royal Navy" in "Death Announcements 1845-1854" Unit  Royal Navy    
Death date  9 Jan 1853    
Place of death  Blackheath Hill    
Source  Gentleman's Magazine    
Date  Feb 1853    
Page number  222    
Detail  At Blackheath-hill, aged 73, Capt. Charles Allen, R.N. He was born at Blackheath in 1779, and was son of Wm. Allen, esq. of the Stamp Office, a Commissioner of Greenwich Hospital. He entered the navy in 1793 on board the Diomede 44, and was on board that ship when wrecked and lost, off Trincomalee, in 1795. In the Heroine 32 he co-operated in the reduction of the Dutch settlements at Ceylon; and, on the 18th June, 1799, was promoted from the Suffolk 74 to the flag-ship of Rear Admiral P. Rainier, to a Lieutenancy in the Victorious 74. He afterwards joined successively the Spencer 74, Thetis 38, and Bellerophon 74. On the 7th July, 1809, in consequence of the death of Lieut. Joseph Hawkey, early in the action, he succeeded to the command of the boats, seventeen in number, appointed to attack a Russian flotilla of 8 gun-boats and 12 merchantmen, on the coast of Finland. Six of the gun-boats were captured and sunk, and the whole of the convoy captured. For this service Mr Allen was raised to the rank of Commander; but, not obtaining further employment, he retired with the rank of Captain in 1840.     
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