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Go to record Gentlemans Magazine Gentlemans Magazine
 Death Announcements 1845-1854

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Transcribed bySteve van Dulken

Surname  Mackay    
First names  Alexander    
Rank / occupation  Commissioner in India of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce    
Death date  15 Apr 1852    
Place of death  On his way home from India    
Source  Gentleman's Magazine    
Date  June 1852    
Page number  634    
Detail  On his way home from India, Mr Alexander Mackay, lately the commissioner in India of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce. When young he was the conductor of a newspaper in Toronto. After residing in Canada for several years, and travelling over a great portion of the provinces and the States, he returned home, was engaged by the Morning Chronicle, and sent again to the United States, for the purpose of examining the diplomatic bearings of the treaties as to the Maine boundary, and observing the feelings of the American public on the question. His letters upon those subjects were replete with valuable information, and with clear and logical reasoning. Nor long after his return, Mr Mackay published ""The Western World."" After the settlement of the corn-law question, he consented for a time to withdraw from home politics, and to accept from the Lancashire cotton interest a mission to India. The influence of the climate was, however, too much for a constitution not naturally robust.    
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