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Go to record Gentlemans Magazine Gentlemans Magazine
 Death Announcements 1845-1854

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Transcribed bySteve van Dulken

Surname  Manners    
First names  Russell    
Rank / occupation  Lieut.-col.    
View all other items of "Unit" with value "British Army" in "Death Announcements 1845-1854" Unit  British Army    
Death date  25 Jan 1850    
Place of death  Hampshire    
Source  Gentleman's Magazine    
Date  Mar 1850    
Page number  336    
Detail  At Shirley, aged 74, Lieut.-Col. Russell Manners, C.B. son of the late Robert Manners, esq. of Grantham, and grandson of the late Lord William Manners. He was made Ensign in the 74th Regiment in 1791, attained the rank of Major in 1808, and brevet Lieut.-Colonel in 1812. He served in India during the second Mysore campaign, was at Seringapatam and the siege of Pondicherry. He was alos engaged in the Peninsula, at the battles of Busaco and Sabugal; commanded his regiment at the battle of Fuentes d'Onor, and sieges of Ciudad and Badajoz. He was also present at the battle of Salamanca, the advance to Madrid, and was commandant of the Retiro for two months, until that city was evacuated. He then returned home from ill-health, but was afterwards engaged also in the battles of Orthes and Toulouse.    
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