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Go to record Old Christian Cemetery, Abbottabad Old Christian Cemetery, Abbottabad
 Old Christian Cemetery, Abbottabad

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Date transcribed2012-00-00
Transcribed byOmer Tarin

Surname  Palmer    
Firstname  Helen    
Title  Lady    
Date of death  31 October 1896    
Details (mostly from memorial inscription)  The grave of Helen, Lady Palmer, wife of Gen. Sir Arthur Power Palmer (1840-1904); who later also briefly served as Commander in Chief of the Indian Army (March 1900 to December 1902) between 1895-1896, he was a colonel attached to the Punjab Frontier Force and later Commandant (Tirah Expedition/Campaign 1897-98). Further information about General Sir A. Power Palmer is available online and also in various �Who�s Who� directories on British India, c 1899, 1901 etc. Helen, Lady Palmer was born (prob. In 1848) Julia Helen Harris, daughter of Aylmer Harris, Esq., and married to (then Captain) A. Power Palmer at Sangor [sic], India, September 1876. She died of Uremia on 31st October 1896 and was buried at the OCC, Abbottabad, on 1st November 1896. According to records at the British Library, London, she was a Roman Catholic and her funeral rites/service were performed by a RC chaplain of the Indian Army, one WG Rumbold, as Abbottabad did not have much of a RC congregation and no separate RC church or burial ground until the 20th century (pl. see BL Ref. No. N/1/254/225).     
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A list of existing/surviving graves at the Old Christian Cemetery, Abbottabad, verified to September 2010. See FIBIS Journal 27 for more details.
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