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 Deaths in Service - 1

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Date transcribed2011-00-00
Transcribed byFIBIS Volunteers
CommentData taken from IOR - L/AG/34/14A - 1

File No  0050    
Page No  42    
Deceased Surname  Wroughton    
Deceased first name/s  Neville    
Date of Death  12 August 1871    
Place of Death  Doolyal, forest house at the depot about 11 miles from Jhelum Station.    
Occupation at time of death  Forest Ranger, 1st grade, in the Punjab Lower Jhelum Sub-division, Jhelum Division    
Probable age at time of death  Not recorded, believed to be about 26 years    
Native village and country  Born in England    
Particulars of family as far as known; if any relative in the country  Son of Captain Wroughton of the Madras army, cousin of Lieut-Colonel Wroughton, 31st Native Infrantry, cousin of the wife of Major Fulton, Superintending Engineer, Irrigation Department, Punjab.    
If any property left, and in what custody  Some few personal effects in charge of the Deputy Commissioner of Jhelum, particulars not received from that officer.    
Remarks  The deceased committed suicide by blowing out his brains with a gun. 'Cause', some private trouble, unknown. Handwritten note on document: Mrs Ricketts took a copy of above 3 July 1907, 6 July 1908.    
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