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Go to record Allens Indian Mail Allens Indian Mail
 Bombay Deaths 1843

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Date transcribed2011-00-00
Transcribed byFIBIS Volunteers

Surname  Horne    
First Names  W.G.    
Place  Sukkur    
Year  1843    
Month  July    
Day  4    
Entry  At Sukkur, Lieut, W,G,Horne, adj. 55th Bengal Native Infantry (We have received the following details connected with the melancholy accident which has deprived the service of a most efficient Officer. Captain Freeth and Lieutenants Horne and Baring, all of the 55th, crossed the river from Sukkur to Roree, in an English boat, to see some friends encamped on the left bank, and, while returning, the boat upset when within 200 yards of the Sukkur bank, being caught in a whirlpool, which could not be distinguished on account of the darkness of the night. Lieut. Horne, although a good swimmer, was lost, while Capt. Freeth and Lieut. Baring providentially reached the shore though much exhausted. Every search was made both the same night and the following morning, but Lieut. Horne's body had not been discovered when our letters left. The boat was found bottom upwards two miles down the river, as also the hats of Lieutenants Horne and Baring. The officers were rowing themselves, and had no sail up at the time the accident occurred.)    
Edition Year  1843    
Edition date  October 10th    
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