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Go to record Index of Indigo Planters - Bihar 1908 Index of Indigo Planters - Bihar 1908
 Index of Indigo Planters - Behar 1908 - C

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Date transcribed2011-00-00
Transcribed byAlison Kilpatrick
CommentIndex of Indigo Planters in Bihar taken from "History of Behar Indigo Factories; Reminiscences of Bihar; Tirhoot
and its inhabitants of the past.". by Minden Wilson 1908.

Surname  Collingridge    
Forename  Fred.    
Chapter  Tirhoot and Its Inhabitants of the Past    
Sub-title  Biographical sketch: Fred. Collingridge    
Page nos.  302    
Description  After Buxar, was offered an appointment in the Seryeah Indigo Concern c.1833. Built Coalpoorah, an outwork of the Seryeah Concern, 1835. Next, went as manager to Dholi Factory for about a year about the time Charles Mackinnon bought Dholi Concern. Next, went to Dynechuppra and managed Amooh Factory from there. Went home to England 1842-43; married, 1849; returned to India, 1858. Took charge of the Poopri Indigo Concern, staying there for a year. Next, was promoted to the charge of Dooriah Factory; after about a year, bought Dowdpore Factory with Dr. C.N. Macnamara and J.S. Begg, 1861. Went home to England, 1867; after returning to India, managed [Dooriah Factory] until 1876, when his son Herbert took charge. Retired from India, spring of 1880. Died, age 91, September 1905. Met with an accident about a year before his death��he fell over a luggage truck at a railway station, which injured him and brought on blood poisoning from the effects of which he died. Up to the winter before his accident, the wonderful old gentleman hunted regularly with Garth�s hounds and rode as straight as any of the hunt. F. Collingridge was always a keen horseman and his name will be found among those who rode at Hajeepore where Sonepore races were held in the early thirties. He loved a game of polo out here to the last and delighted in a game of racquets or lawn tennis and when there was a dance old Collingridge did the light fantastic and was among the last to leave the Ball room.�    
Indexer Notes  (1) An outwork was an outlying indigo factory, a subsidiary of a head factory or �concern�. (2) See also index entries for �Collingridge, F.�    
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Index of Indigo Planters in Bihar taken from "History of Behar Indigo Factories; Reminiscences of Bihar; Tirhoot
and its inhabitants of the past. History of Behar Light Horse
Volunteers". by Minden Wilson 1908.
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