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Go to record Index of Indigo Planters - Bihar 1908 Index of Indigo Planters - Bihar 1908
 Index of Indigo Planters - Behar 1908 - C

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Date transcribed2011-00-00
Transcribed byAlison Kilpatrick
CommentIndex of Indigo Planters in Bihar taken from "History of Behar Indigo Factories; Reminiscences of Bihar; Tirhoot
and its inhabitants of the past.". by Minden Wilson 1908.

Surname  Hill    
Forename  James    
Chapter  Tirhoot and Its Inhabitants of the Past    
Sub-title  Biographical sketch: James and Joseph Hill    
Page nos.  287-288    
Description  Son of Henry. James and his brother, Joseph, were proprietors of Turcouleah, Seeraha and Bara indigo factories. When the Union Bank of Calcutta failed in 1847, James and Joseph went to Calcutta, �where Dr. David Begg assisted them with money, and they settled up with the assignee, then a gentleman rejoicing in the name of Yankee Richards.� Finding the matter of an outlay their next difficulty, the brothers arranged with their maliks, amlahs and workmen to �wait till after sale of the season�s indigo, and that they would be paid their rents, plus a good interest. ... The Hills had such a good reputation for integrity and honour that this arrangement was at once agreed to by all.� Retired home to England shortly afterward. Sons, Dr. Hill and H. Hill, kept Turcouleah factory and had a share in Mothardri c.1905: �The indigo cakes and chests bear the mark still of M. and H.�Moran and Hill.�    
Indexer Notes  (1) The word, málik, had a wide range of meanings: proprietor, owner, lord, cultivator possessing hereditary rights, landlord, zemindár, village agent for a zamindár, accountant, farmer, messenger, or constable. (2) An amlah, or Ámla, was a collective name for the officers of a court or office.    
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Index of Indigo Planters in Bihar taken from "History of Behar Indigo Factories; Reminiscences of Bihar; Tirhoot
and its inhabitants of the past. History of Behar Light Horse
Volunteers". by Minden Wilson 1908.
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