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 Index of Indigo Planters - Behar 1908 - B

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Date transcribed2011-00-00
Transcribed byAlison Kilpatrick
CommentIndex of Indigo Planters in Bihar taken from "History of Behar Indigo Factories; Reminiscences of Bihar; Tirhoot
and its inhabitants of the past.". by Minden Wilson 1908.

View all other items of "Surname" with value "Dass" in "Index of Indigo Planters - Behar 1908 - B" Surname  Dass    
Forename(s)  Raja Ram    
Title  Chowdry Mohunt    
Chapter  History of Behar Indigo Factories    
Sub-title  Jaintpore H. E. A. J., Tirhoot District    
Page nos.  27    
Description  Owned a �large tract of country where many villages stood� and, when H.E. Abbott built a factory at Jaintpore, 1872-73�interloping into Dooriah, Seriyah, Motipore, Contie and Dowdpore dehats�those factories �had to grin and bear.� Abbott was Dass� manager and built outworks, Teekaha, Nirghee, Pukri and Godai, 1875-84. Brother of Mohunt Ragoonath Dass, who became proprietor on his death.    
Indexer  (1) A Chowdry, or Chaudhri, was the headman of a village or of a profession or trade in the village, or a holder of landed property on the par of a zamindár and tálukdár. (2) A Rájá was a king or a prince, or a title for private persons of high rank. (3) A Mohunt was a Hindu or Sikh priest. (4) A dehat is a group of villages with boundaries defined for property rights. (5) An outwork was an outlying indigo factory, a subsidiary of a head factory or �concern�.    
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Index of Indigo Planters in Bihar taken from "History of Behar Indigo Factories; Reminiscences of Bihar; Tirhoot
and its inhabitants of the past. History of Behar Light Horse
Volunteers". by Minden Wilson 1908.
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