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 Allens Indian Mail
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Birth, marriages and death entries extracted from the domestic occurrences mentioned in Allens Indian Mail.
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Bengal Deaths 1844
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Displaying 241 to 270 of 664 results

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click to view detail Harrington Thomas Alexander Nicholls Muttra 1844
click to view detail Harris (wife, no name given) Agra 1843
click to view detail Harris (No name given) Agra 1843
click to view detail Harris Richard Calcutta 1844
click to view detail Harvey Sarah Evelina Calcutta 1844
click to view detail Hatch Richard Charles Cawnpore 1843
click to view detail Hawkes Frederick Gray Calcutta 1844
click to view detail Hawkins James Frederick Henry (No place name given) 1844
click to view detail Hawkins Elizabeth (No place name given) 1844
click to view detail Hawks J.S. Delhi 1844
click to view detail Hay Wm. Aug. Tityicia 1843
click to view detail Hay Alexander Agra 1844
click to view detail Hay Caroline Agra 1844
click to view detail Hayward G.W. Agra 1844
click to view detail Hazleby (no name given) Calcutta 1844
click to view detail Heald C.J.B. Calcutta 1844
click to view detail Henderson Andrew (no place given) 1844
click to view detail Henderson George Humble (no place given) 1844
click to view detail Henderson (no name given) Calcutta 1844
click to view detail Hennessey Michael Allahabad 1844
click to view detail Heron Eliza Kurnaul 1844
click to view detail Hewick Caroline Calcutta 1844
click to view detail Heyland Arthur Ghazeepore 1843
click to view detail Hill Evelina V. Calcutta 1844
click to view detail Hill (name not given) Jhalokatty 1844
click to view detail Hiller E.E. Entally 1844
click to view detail Hoff Maria Dorothea Elizabeth Calcutta 1844
click to view detail Hogan Isabella Harriet Simla 1843
click to view detail Hogue Thomas J. Chittagong 1844
click to view detail Hohney Christian Chowringhee 1844
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