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 South African Commercial Advertiser (1826-1851)
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Transcriptions of 'India' or British Army related Announcements in the 'South African Commercial Advertiser
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South African Commercial Advertiser (1854-1855)
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Displaying 151 to 173 of 173 results

First Name(s) Click to sort by First  Name(s)  Surname   Rank or Occupation Click to sort by Rank or  Occupation  Event Click to sort by Event 
click to view detail James Colley Tudor CB, Lieutenant-Colonel, Bengal Army Death
click to view detail James Colley Tudor CB, Lieutenant-Colonel, Bengal Army Death
click to view detail Lawrence Burrell Twentyman   Marriage
click to view detail Lawrence Holme Twentyman   Marriage
click to view detail Stephen Jervis Twycross   Marriage
click to view detail Emily Mary Vincent   Christenings
click to view detail Henry Vincent Major, HC Bombay Establishment Christenings
click to view detail Richard Walker HEICS Death
click to view detail Widow of Richard Walker   Death
click to view detail Sarah Ann Watts   Christenings
click to view detail Geo C Watts Captain Christenings
click to view detail Arthur Oldfield Weller   Death
click to view detail JA Weller Captain, Bengal Engineers Death
click to view detail Mrs Weller   Death
click to view detail Francis Willcox Late engineer of the 'Hydaspes' Death
click to view detail Thomas Winne lae seaman of the barque 'Buchanan' Death
click to view detail Wm Woolley HM Royal Artillery Marriage
click to view detail Annie Elizabeth Woolls   Marriage
click to view detail Thomas Brownrigg Woolls   Marriage
click to view detail George John Young   Death
click to view detail CB Young Bengal Engineers Death
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