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 Miscellaneous Bonds 1814-1865
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These include 12,500 Bonds taken out by many ladies, cadets, ministers of religion and traders.
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Transcription of Miscellaneous Bonds
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419 Pages:  First Previous 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 ..308 ..315 ..326 ..350 Next Last

Displaying 8371 to 8400 of 12564 results

Year Click to sort by Year  Surnames Click to sort by Surnames  Full Names  
click to view detail 1817 Woodhouse Mrs. Harriet Woodhouse
click to view detail 1829 Arbuthnott Mrs. Harriette Arbuthnott
click to view detail 1819 Leslie Mrs. Harriette Leslie
click to view detail 1822 Becher Mrs. Harriot G. Becher
click to view detail 1823 Serjeant Mrs. Harriott Jane Serjeant
click to view detail 1821 Lumsden Mrs. Hay Lumsden
click to view detail 1830 Graham Mrs. Helen B. Graham
click to view detail 1820 Barclay Mrs. Helen Barclay
click to view detail 1824 Stirling Mrs. Helen C. Stirling
click to view detail 1822 Colvin Mrs. Helen Colvin
click to view detail 1831 Beatson Mrs. Helen H. Beatson, Miss Barbara C.S. Broughton, Miss Marg't M.L. Broughton
click to view detail 1831 Broughton Mrs. Helen H. Beatson, Miss Barbara C.S. Broughton, Miss Marg't M.L. Broughton
click to view detail 1814 Watson Mrs. Helen H. Watson and Miss Charlotte Keir.
click to view detail 1814 Keir Mrs. Helen H. Watson and Miss Charlotte Keir.
click to view detail 1829 Horsburgh Mrs. Helen Horsburgh
click to view detail 1828 Hulse Mrs. Helen Hulse
click to view detail 1830 Illingworth Mrs. Helen Illingworth
click to view detail 1825 Jackson Mrs. Helen Jackson
click to view detail 1829 Crawford Mrs. Helen K. Crawford and child, James Alex'r Crawford
click to view detail 1824 Magniac Mrs. Helen Magniac
click to view detail 1816 Elliott Mrs. Helen Maria Elliott and James Elliott
click to view detail 1833 Nutt Mrs. Helen Nutt and servant, Sweeney
click to view detail 1833 Sweeney Mrs. Helen Nutt and servant, Sweeney
click to view detail 1819 Ogilvie Mrs. Helen Ogilvie
click to view detail 1833 Ogilvie Mrs. Helen Ogilvie
click to view detail 1828 Pratt Mrs. Helen Pratt
click to view detail 1825 Baber Mrs. Helen S. Baber
click to view detail 1833 Baber Mrs. Helen S. Baber and servants, Jemima Jordan and George Grillon
click to view detail 1833 Jordan Mrs. Helen S. Baber and servants, Jemima Jordan and George Grillon
click to view detail 1833 Grillon Mrs. Helen S. Baber and servants, Jemima Jordan and George Grillon
419 Pages:  First Previous 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 ..308 ..315 ..326 ..350 Next Last
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