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 Registry Office Marriage Index 1852-1911
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Transcription of Registry Office Marriage Indexes
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339 Pages:  First Previous 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 ..137 ..149 ..170 ..213 Next Last

Displaying 2551 to 2580 of 10145 results

Marriage Year Click to sort by Marriage  Year  Husband First Names Click to sort by Husband  First  Names  Husband Surname Click to sort by Husband  Surname  Wife First Names   Wife Surname Click to sort by Wife  Surname 
click to view detail 1901 - 1905 Edwy Matthew Rebeiro Edith Constance Gill
click to view detail 1901 - 1905 Edward Charles Benny Edith Constance Paczensky
click to view detail 1901 - 1905 Patrick Reiley Edith Constance Carter
click to view detail 1906 - 1911 Herbert L. Mitchell Edith E. Ball
click to view detail 1906 - 1911 Allen J. Mitchell Edith E. Williams
click to view detail 1906 - 1911 George C. Smith Edith E. Dughard
click to view detail 1906 - 1911 Henry Randle Edith E. Cox
click to view detail 1896 - 1900 Richmond Wilberforce M. Morrell Edith Eleanor White
click to view detail 1886 - 1890 Frederick Geale T. Thornton Edith Eleanor K. Gore
click to view detail 1876 - 1880 Charles Merson Davies Edith Eliza H. Lewis
click to view detail 1891 - 1895 Khan Sultan Ahmed Edith Elizabeth Hall
click to view detail 1901 - 1905 Charles Lewis Namey Edith Ellen Mallan
click to view detail 1896 - 1900 Giles Seddon Edith Emeline Reardon
click to view detail 1891 - 1895 Arthur Hinds Edith Emily Elkin
click to view detail 1901 - 1905 Arnold Hugh Blakeman Edith Emily S Rose
click to view detail 1891 - 1895 Joseph William Fido Edith Emma Hale
click to view detail 1866 - 1870 John Flack Edith Eugenie Thomson
click to view detail 1896 - 1900 Edgar Prevost Close Edith Euphemia Langston
click to view detail 1896 - 1900 George Percival Williams Edith Eveline Gale
click to view detail 1906 - 1911 Percy L. Cross Edith F. Rice
click to view detail 1906 - 1911 Thomas C. W. Loveday Edith F. M. Vanderput
click to view detail 1881 - 1885 Herbert Cecil Robertson Edith Florence Smith
click to view detail 1886 - 1890 Frank H. Sheridan Edith Florence Forrest
click to view detail 1886 - 1890 Joseph Reynolds Edith Florence Crowe
click to view detail 1901 - 1905 Alphonso Sheridan B Moreno Edith Frances Maclean
click to view detail 1906 - 1911 Edmond B. Rowland Edith G. Burgoyne
click to view detail 1906 - 1911 Carl F. G. Conrad Edith G. Crawford
click to view detail 1906 - 1911 Richard Codd Edith G. L. Emery
click to view detail 1896 - 1900 William Inkerman Jackson Edith Gertrude Trutwein
click to view detail 1896 - 1900 Lionel Harry Croft Edith Harriet Cole
339 Pages:  First Previous 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 ..137 ..149 ..170 ..213 Next Last
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