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 Registry Office Marriage Index 1852-1911
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Transcription of Registry Office Marriage Indexes
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Displaying 10021 to 10050 of 10145 results

Marriage Year Click to sort by Marriage  Year  Husband First Names Click to sort by Husband  First  Names  Husband Surname Click to sort by Husband  Surname  Wife First Names Click to sort by Wife  First  Names  Wife Surname Click to sort by Wife  Surname 
click to view detail 1906 - 1911 Elton V. Bartlett Kathleen M. Beanland
click to view detail 1906 - 1911 Alfred Mackenzie Ma O. Pwa
click to view detail 1906 - 1911 James F. A. Bartels Kathleen M. Cronk
click to view detail 1906 - 1911 Thomas C. Wyman Hellen James
click to view detail 1906 - 1911 Herbert O. Barlow Minnie Wray
click to view detail 1906 - 1911 Edwin A. Ludgrove Eveline M. Rose
click to view detail 1906 - 1911 Richard Cody Rhoda M. Thorley
click to view detail 1906 - 1911 Charles J. Dyson Wanda P. Devlin
click to view detail 1906 - 1911 Percy J. Clark Edith M. Marsh
click to view detail 1906 - 1911 Fredrick W. J. Armstrong Constance Woods
click to view detail 1906 - 1911 James G. Hooper Gladys A. Rowland
click to view detail 1906 - 1911 Fredrick C. De Brass Charlotte M. Alderson
click to view detail 1906 - 1911 John F. Smele Amy A. C. Pritchard
click to view detail 1906 - 1911 Philip S. Bapty Esther I. Gibson
click to view detail 1906 - 1911 Francis G. Packer Winifred M. Greensmith
click to view detail 1906 - 1911 Munro Don Wylie Mary M. Leishman
click to view detail 1906 - 1911 Edward Ferguson Jessie R. Fyfe
click to view detail 1906 - 1911 William J Yardley Olive B. M. Wilson
click to view detail 1906 - 1911 Maurice St.L. Oakley Susan Healdth
click to view detail 1906 - 1911 George A.M. Johnstone Edith K.M. Ogilvie
click to view detail 1906 - 1911 Cecil H. Tresham Lucy A. Birch
click to view detail 1906 - 1911 Walter R. Stevenson Euphemia B. Menesse
click to view detail 1906 - 1911 Thomas D. Williams Daisy F. Hills
click to view detail 1906 - 1911 Edwin E. Wilson Elizabeth B. Bowling
click to view detail 1906 - 1911 Clarence M. Ross Elizabeth J. Rozario
click to view detail 1906 - 1911 Alphonso S. Bakes Olive K. Hiscox
click to view detail 1906 - 1911 Alexander H. Gibson Lena G. Ballantyne
click to view detail 1906 - 1911 Andrew Jones Ruth E. A. Davies
click to view detail 1906 - 1911 Francis L. Shearman Agnes Farthing
click to view detail 1906 - 1911 William Flint Elizabeth Chandler
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