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These are transcriptions of the Indexes to the records of Marriage held in the India Office Records.

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Transcription of Madras Marriage Indexes 1851 - 1870
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300 Pages:  First Previous 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 ..114 ..125 ..145 ..184 Next Last

Displaying 1981 to 2010 of 8975 results

Marriage Year Click to sort by Marriage  Year  Husband First Names Click to sort by Husband  First  Names  Husband Surname Click to sort by Husband  Surname  Wife First Names Click to sort by Wife  First  Names  Wife Surname Click to sort by Wife  Surname 
click to view detail 1854 Thomas D� Cruz Caroline Bastian
click to view detail 1854 Francis Daly Elisa Jane Lally
click to view detail 1854 Daniel D� Rays Anne Townshend
click to view detail 1854 James Delaney Johannah Miniam
click to view detail 1854 James Daly Amelia Genot
click to view detail 1854 Jeremiah D� Rozario Mary David
click to view detail 1854 Samuel Done or Dove Grace  
click to view detail 1854 William Daly Elizabeth Green
click to view detail 1854 Daniel   Mary Crisp
click to view detail 1854 Joseph David Pauline  
click to view detail 1854 George D� Nebella Nursumna  
click to view detail 1854 Daniel   Mariall  
click to view detail 1854 David Arrokim Christianah  
click to view detail 1854 John D� Costa Sophia D� Cruz
click to view detail 1854 James J Dale Jemima L Wilkins
click to view detail 1854 Joseph Frances Durwood Jane Burroughs
click to view detail 1854 James Daley Amelia Genot
click to view detail 1854 Luis De Santos Charlotte Sarah Rosalina Joyce
click to view detail 1854 Baring Dennely Anne Dalton
click to view detail 1854 Charles Dongharty Ellen Stewart
click to view detail 1854 George Drake Esther Hozia Bennett
click to view detail 1854 Edward Davis Amelia Prior
click to view detail 1854 John D� Costa Ann Cormack
click to view detail 1854 Thomas D� Ramos Sophia Duarte
click to view detail 1854 John Edwin De Neise Jessy Lewin
click to view detail 1854 Alexander D� Lima Johanna Serthy
click to view detail 1854 Michael Doyle Elizabeth Rice
click to view detail 1854 Jeremiah De Silva Frances Morris
click to view detail 1854 B V Denehy Ann Dalton
click to view detail 1854 Walter Douglas Catherine E Davis
300 Pages:  First Previous 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 ..114 ..125 ..145 ..184 Next Last
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