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 Surname Index of Individuals Born in India
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This is a surname index of individuals born in India that are listed in the 1881 British Census. PLEASE NOTE: This is NOT a Census of India
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Surname Index of Individuals Born in India in the 1881 Brish Census
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761 Pages:  First Previous 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 ..305 ..334 ..381 ..476 Next Last

Displaying 5701 to 5730 of 22828 results

Surname Click to sort by Surname  First Name Click to sort by First  Name  Year Born Click to sort by Year  Born  Place Born   Census Area Click to sort by Census  Area 
click to view detail DEXTER Fredrick C. E. 1865 India Cornwall
click to view detail DEXTER Joseph F. 1872 India Leicester
click to view detail DHNDOR Moosson 1853 India Essex
click to view detail DHOKOO   1849 India Essex
click to view detail DIAS Joaquim 1861 India Essex
click to view detail DIAS Jose 1847 India Essex
click to view detail DIAS Nicholas 1855 India Essex
click to view detail DIAS St Anna 1847 India Essex
click to view detail DIBB Ashton W. 1862 India London
click to view detail DIBB Charles H. 1874 India Yorkshire
click to view detail DIBB Frederick T. 1865 India London
click to view detail DIBB Hugh 1868 India Derby
click to view detail DIBB Mary J. 1843 India London
click to view detail DIBBLEE George B. 1869 India Sussex
click to view detail DIBBLER Bessie M. 1874 India London
click to view detail DIBBLER Frederick L. 1872 India London
click to view detail DIBBLER Sam A. 1877 India London
click to view detail DIBDIN William 1853 India Lincoln
click to view detail DICK Charles 1812 India London
click to view detail DICK Dighton A. 1869 India Sussex
click to view detail DICKEN Charles Short 1842 India London
click to view detail DICKEN Lucy A. 1852 India Somerset
click to view detail DICKENS Jane A. 1817 India London
click to view detail DICKENSON Frank 1861 India Yorkshire
click to view detail DICKENSON Theodora 1836 India Yorkshire
click to view detail DICKINSON Ada 1865 India Nottingham
click to view detail DICKINSON Alice 1865 India Surrey
click to view detail DICKINSON Arscott Wm.Harvey 1860 India Oxford
click to view detail DICKINSON Georgina 1867 India Surrey
click to view detail DICKINSON Henry 1823 India London
761 Pages:  First Previous 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 ..305 ..334 ..381 ..476 Next Last
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