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 Marriage announcements taken from the East India Register
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These entries, taken over the period 1809 to 1844, are similar to the announcements made in certain quality newspapers of the present day. It should be indicated that very many of these announcements are not matched by entries in the IOR�s N-series Ecclesiastical Records. They therefore represent very important supplementary sources of data.
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Transcription of Marriage Announcements 1809 - 1844
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330 Pages:  First Previous 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 ..242 ..248 ..257 ..275 Next Last

Displaying 6571 to 6600 of 9885 results

Marriage Year Click to sort by Marriage  Year  Husband First Names Click to sort by Husband  First  Names  Husband Surname   Wife First Names Click to sort by Wife  First  Names  Wife Surname Click to sort by Wife  Surname 
click to view detail 1810 Robert Nighland Elizabeth Hartley
click to view detail 1842 J. Nightingale Maria Louisa Borgonha
click to view detail 1839 E. L. L. Nile Margaret Delia Kerr
click to view detail 1817 Joseph Nimmo A. Avyet Sarkies
click to view detail 1834 W. Nisbett Eliza Gibbon
click to view detail 1835 John Nisbitt Elizabeth Cleife Bennett
click to view detail 1807 Joseph Nix   Robinett
click to view detail 1822 Joseph Nixon Jane A.E. Campbell
click to view detail 1828 Walter Nixon M.M. Williams
click to view detail 1833 John W. Nixon Cecilia Lambert
click to view detail 1844 A.T. Nixon H.H. O'Connor
click to view detail 1829 James Noble Ellen Wilkinson
click to view detail 1833 Horatio Nelson Noble Mary Grier Jackson
click to view detail 1817 William Noney E. Thomas
click to view detail 1834 William Noney Charlotte Morley
click to view detail 1825 Anthony Nonis Elizabeth Macklin
click to view detail 1839 R.W. Norfar Amelia Wilhelmina Boxley
click to view detail 1836 R.T. Norfor Susan Dorothy Leggatt
click to view detail 1807 G. Norman Mary Ruiterfield
click to view detail 1817 G Norman Anne Betham
click to view detail 1817 Charles Norris C. M. Goodhew
click to view detail 1823 Anth. Norris Sophia Dodwell
click to view detail 1829 P.E. Norris I. Fillio
click to view detail 1832 James Barclay Norris Eliza Scott
click to view detail 1838 R. Norris C. Stewart
click to view detail 1842 John Foxley Norris Sophia Roberts
click to view detail 1827 Wm. North Jane Earls
click to view detail 1810 Charles Norton Margaret Walker
click to view detail 1816 J. Norton F. Twedale
click to view detail 1819 Jas. Norton Eliza B. Erskine
330 Pages:  First Previous 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 ..242 ..248 ..257 ..275 Next Last
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