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 Marriage announcements taken from the East India Register
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These entries, taken over the period 1809 to 1844, are similar to the announcements made in certain quality newspapers of the present day. It should be indicated that very many of these announcements are not matched by entries in the IOR�s N-series Ecclesiastical Records. They therefore represent very important supplementary sources of data.
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Transcription of Marriage Announcements 1809 - 1844
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330 Pages:  First Previous 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 ..160 ..171 ..189 ..224 Next Last

Displaying 3511 to 3540 of 9885 results

Marriage Year   Husband First Names Click to sort by Husband  First  Names  Husband Surname Click to sort by Husband  Surname  Wife First Names Click to sort by Wife  First  Names  Wife Surname Click to sort by Wife  Surname 
click to view detail 1823 T. Fisher Emily M. Terraneau
click to view detail 1823 Wm. Barradge Maria De Silva
click to view detail 1823   Pennefather Elizabeth J. Denson
click to view detail 1823 Wm. Scott Eliza Jones
click to view detail 1823 Henry Critchly Marian M'Carthey
click to view detail 1823 H. Cavell Jane Poole
click to view detail 1823 G. Tomkyns Jessie Nash
click to view detail 1823 John Peter Larrina Robinett
click to view detail 1823 H. C. Gordon Christiana Lucas
click to view detail 1823 John Periera Mary A. Gonsalves
click to view detail 1823 Vincent Shortland Mary C. Defourchy
click to view detail 1823 John D'Rozario Emelia Sequira
click to view detail 1823 J. D. Bean M. Elias
click to view detail 1823 J. Hudson S. Peters
click to view detail 1823 Joseph Walker Eliza Wilson
click to view detail 1823 J. Roberts Mary Creigh
click to view detail 1823 Jas. Wallace Josepha Brown
click to view detail 1823 Eneas Mackintosh Henrietta L. Child
click to view detail 1823 J. Jetter Harriot Corties
click to view detail 1823 R. Hollow Sarah Bulkeley
click to view detail 1823 L. B. D'Mello N. Foy
click to view detail 1823 W. H. Mill Maria Elphinstone
click to view detail 1823 E. Leggatt A. Gilbert
click to view detail 1823 T. B. Terherbruggen Emma Huet
click to view detail 1823 J. J. Snodgrass Maria M'Donald Campbell
click to view detail 1823 Jacob P. Caulfield Rosalinda C. Dove
click to view detail 1823 Wm. Ashton Cicely Allen
click to view detail 1823 Vertaness Zachariel Mariam David
click to view detail 1823 Wm. Swainson Eliza Moore
click to view detail 1823 Francis Favier Marie B. Joubert
330 Pages:  First Previous 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 ..160 ..171 ..189 ..224 Next Last
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