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 The Times of India
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Births, marriages, and deaths as reported in the Domestic Occurrences section of the Times of India newspaper. The years 1861-1865, 1867-1888 have been digitised and available to download on the findmypast website.
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Deaths 1862
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Displaying 241 to 270 of 637 results

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click to view detail Price Fanny Durand 1861 Dec 20
click to view detail Nixon Ellen 1861 Dec 20
click to view detail Sykes   1862 Dec 20
click to view detail Harrison Robert Nesbit 1862 Jan 20
click to view detail Barboza Valente 1862 Mar 20
click to view detail Galbraith Annie 1862 May 20
click to view detail France George 1862 May 20
click to view detail Moses Moses Owen 1862 Jun 20
click to view detail Thomson Peter 1862 Jul 20
click to view detail Downing Ellen 1862 Jul 20
click to view detail Hullock Charlotte 1862 Aug 20
click to view detail Gregg JA 1862 Aug 20
click to view detail Macnamara Isabella Caroline 1862 Sep 20
click to view detail Aikens H 1862 Oct 20
click to view detail Kerakoose Arakiel 1862 Oct 20
click to view detail Huxham Robert Fowke Moore 1862 Oct 20
click to view detail Aitchison Andrew 1862 Nov 20
click to view detail Carden Eliza Jane 1862 Nov 20
click to view detail Marshall Charles Page 1862 Nov 20
click to view detail Walker Catherine Jane 1861 Dec 21
click to view detail Howard Jemima 1862 Jan 21
click to view detail Martin John Nicholas 1862 Jan 21
click to view detail Pereira Miguel 1862 Apr 21
click to view detail Matthews Albert James Arnold 1862 Apr 21
click to view detail Kellie Caroline 1862 May 21
click to view detail Davis   1862 Jun 21
click to view detail McNamara S 1862 Jul 21
click to view detail Marescaux Leonie Emma 1862 Aug 21
click to view detail Smith Sarah 1862 Aug 21
click to view detail Hopkins James 1862 Sep 21
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