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 Bombay Almanac BMDs 1806 to 1867
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Transcriptions of Birth, Marriage and Death announcements from the Bombay Almanac.
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Transcription of Birth Announcements 1806 - 1867
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Displaying 121 to 150 of 7429 results

Birth Date Click to sort by Birth  Date  Birth Year Click to sort by Birth  Year  Surname   Source presidency Click to sort by Source presidency 
click to view detail 25 Dec 1856 1856 Anding Bombay
click to view detail 6 Sep 1829 1829 Andree Bombay
click to view detail 27 Jul 1833 1833 Andree Bombay
click to view detail 15 Oct 1822 1822 Andrew Bombay
click to view detail 29 Sep 1825 1825 Andrews Bombay
click to view detail 1 May 1832 1832 Andrews Bombay
click to view detail 13 Apr 1834 1834 Andrews Bombay
click to view detail 14 Feb 1840 1840 Andrews Bombay
click to view detail 10 Sep 1854 1854 Andrews Bombay
click to view detail 29 Jul 1844 1844 Angas Bombay
click to view detail 11 Jan 1847 1847 Angus Bombay
click to view detail 29 Jul 1844 1844 Anjas Bombay
click to view detail 8 Jan 1853 1853 Annesley Bombay
click to view detail 1853 1853 Annesley Bombay
click to view detail 7 Jan 1848 1848 Annunciation Bombay
click to view detail 1856 1856 Annunciation Bombay
click to view detail 24 Mar 1853 1853 Anson Bombay
click to view detail 23 Aug 1840 1840 Anthony Bombay
click to view detail 7 Jun 1851 1851 Anunciecao Bombay
click to view detail 4 Nov 1824 1824 Apcar Bombay
click to view detail 5 Jan 1828 1828 Archer Bombay
click to view detail 10 Apr 1832 1832 Archer Bombay
click to view detail 30 Sep 1840 1840 Archer Bombay
click to view detail 8 Dec 1851 1851 Armistead Bombay
click to view detail 15 Jan 1859 1859 Armstrong Bombay
click to view detail 31 Mar 1864 1864 Armstrong Bombay
click to view detail 23 May 1865 1865 Armstrong Bombay
click to view detail 1 Jul 1865 1865 Arnell Bombay
click to view detail 11 Nov 1858 1858 Arnold Bombay
click to view detail 14 Mar 1842 1842 Arnott Bombay
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