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 Birth announcements taken from East India Register
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These entries, taken over the period 1809 to 1844, are similar to the announcements made in certain quality newspapers of the present day. It should be indicated that very many of these announcements are not matched by entries in the IOR�s N-series Ecclesiastical Records. They therefore represent very important supplementary sources of data.
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Transcription of Birth Announcements 1809-1844
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856 Pages:  First Previous 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 ..754 ..761 ..771 ..793 Next Last

Displaying 21841 to 21870 of 25667 results

Baptised Surname   Mother First Names Click to sort by Mother  First  Names  Father First Names Click to sort by Father  First  Names  Source Year Click to sort by Source  Year  Source Presidency Click to sort by Source  Presidency 
click to view detail Steuart     1842 Madras
click to view detail Steven     1820 Bengal
click to view detail Steven     1823 Bengal
click to view detail Steven     1825 Bengal
click to view detail Steven     1826 Bengal
click to view detail Steven     1831 Bengal
click to view detail Stevens     1811 Bombay
click to view detail Stevens     1813 Bengal
click to view detail Stevens     1813 Bombay
click to view detail Stevens     1816 Bengal
click to view detail Stevens     1826 Bengal
click to view detail Stevens     1827 Madras
click to view detail Stevens     1832 Madras
click to view detail Stevens     1834 Bombay
click to view detail Stevens     1834 Bengal
click to view detail Stevens     1837 Madras
click to view detail Stevens     1838 Bombay
click to view detail Stevens     1839 Madras
click to view detail Stevens     1839 Madras
click to view detail Stevens     1839 Madras
click to view detail Stevens     1839 Bombay
click to view detail Stevens     1841 Madras
click to view detail Stevens     1841 Bengal
click to view detail Stevens     1843 Madras
click to view detail Stevenson     1810 Madras
click to view detail Stevenson     1810 Madras
click to view detail Stevenson     1811 Madras
click to view detail Stevenson     1812 Madras
click to view detail Stevenson     1812 Madras
click to view detail Stevenson     1814 Madras
856 Pages:  First Previous 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 ..754 ..761 ..771 ..793 Next Last
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