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 The Times of India
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Births, marriages, and deaths as reported in the Domestic Occurrences section of the Times of India newspaper. The years 1861-1865, 1867-1888 have been digitised and available to download on the findmypast website.
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Marriages 1 January 1877 to 30 June 1877 and 1 October 1877 to 31 December 1877
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Displaying 151 to 180 of 227 results

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click to view detail Nailer JP Wood Lydia Mary 1877 Oct 29
click to view detail Nasarvanji   Dhanbaiji   1877 Jan 25
click to view detail O'Flynn John Lowe Elizabeth Louisa 1876 Dec 25
click to view detail O'Grady Richard Walter Saunders Mary Ellen 1877 Oct 29
click to view detail O'Sullivan Patrick Moore Sydney 1877 Jun 23
click to view detail Pemberton E Lane Marion Emily 1877 Nov 6
click to view detail Penton Herbert E Davey Alice Charlotte 1877 Apr 5
click to view detail Phillips LF Walker Anna 1877 Dec 20
click to view detail Rae George Milne Gibbs Janet 1877 Jan 8
click to view detail Rawlinson Spencer R Mann Eliza Mary 1877 Feb 12
click to view detail Rebsch Albert William Taylor Catherine Weltden 1876 Dec 27
click to view detail Reid DN Wright Sara Lilian 1877 Dec 12
click to view detail Reilly BL White Eleanor 1877 Jun 2
click to view detail Rendle Ashton William Poulden Mary Louisa 1877 Nov 10
click to view detail Reynolds Symonds Joseph Jenkins Alice Augusta 1877 Apr 10
click to view detail Richardson William Lindsley Elizabeth Scott 1877 May 16
click to view detail Roberts Morom George Houghton Georgiana Elizabeth 1877 Apr 7
click to view detail Roberts HP Thompson Ellen Rosalinda 1877 Oct 27
click to view detail Rodgers J King Rose Anne 1877 Jan 17
click to view detail Ross John Sperrin Bryan Kathleen Mary 1877 Dec 12
click to view detail Rotton JT Palmer Minnie Ann 1877 Oct 25
click to view detail Rouse TS Gibson Selina 1877 Apr 25
click to view detail Royal R Wilson A 1877 Oct 11
click to view detail Russell John Grey Jefferson May 1877 Mar 8
click to view detail Salisbury John Balfour Taylor Mary Matilda Maxwell 1877 Apr 11
click to view detail Sandel Mony Lail Day Mary Mackay 1877 May 24
click to view detail Sanderson T Comber Ashmole Emma 1877 Jan 27
click to view detail Sartorius R Kemp Agnes Maria 1877 Oct 3
click to view detail Saubolle Auguste Harvey Marie 1877 Oct 29
click to view detail Savaille John FitzGerald Isabella 1877 Oct 27
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