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 Register - European Soldiers, Bengal Army 1790-1860
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The registers give full personal details of enlisted men, including casualties, in a rougly alphabetical arrangement in date order of arrival in Bengal. They were compiled at East India House, mainly from the Muster Rolls
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Registers of Bengal Army European Soldiers 1840-1850 L - Z
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Displaying 3001 to 3030 of 3746 results

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click to view detail Tully Stephen Private 1st European Light Infantry 2 Feb 1841
click to view detail Thompson Samuel Private 1st European Light Infantry 26 Mar 1841
click to view detail Turner William Private 1st European Light Infantry 1 Mar 1841
click to view detail Tombyn James Private 1st European Light Infantry 23 Apr 1841
click to view detail Taylor John William Gunner 1st Troop 2nd Brigade Artillery 1 Apr 1841
click to view detail Tweedy John School Sergeant 3rd Battn. Artillery 17 Jun 1841
click to view detail Turbett Francis Private 1st European Light Infantry 23 Mar 1841
click to view detail Trusler Thomas Private 1st European Light Infantry 4 May 1841
click to view detail Thompson George Private 1st European Light Infantry 27 Apr 1841
click to view detail Taylor William Gunner New Troop 13 May 1841
click to view detail Taylor James Private 1st European Light Infantry 31 May 1841
click to view detail Tweedale John Gunner 2nd Company 1st Battn. Artillery 5 Jul 1841
click to view detail Toohey Patrick Private 1st European Light Infantry 7 May 1841
click to view detail Towery George Private 1st European Light Infantry 29 Mar 1841
click to view detail Toole Charles Private 2nd European Regt. 15 Apr 1841
click to view detail Toohey Michael Private 2nd European Regt. 8 Apr 1841
click to view detail Taylor Richard Gunner 1st Troop 3rd Brigade Artillery 11 Aug 1841
click to view detail Tibby James Private 2nd European Regt. 12 May 1841
click to view detail Thornton Thomas Private 1st European Light Infantry 26 May 1841
click to view detail Toombs William Recruit Unposted Infantry 24 Jun 1841
click to view detail Tabor John Private 2nd European Regt. 22 Jul 1841
click to view detail Tucker Walter Gunner 4th Troop 4th Brigade Artillery 16 Jul 1841
click to view detail Teasdale George Gunner 2nd Troop 2nd Brigade Artillery 24 Aug 1841
click to view detail Thompson Andrew Private 2nd European Regt. 5 Sep 1841
click to view detail Taylor John Gunner 3rd Battn. Artillery 11 Nov 1841
click to view detail Torphy Patrick Gunner 5th Troop 4th Brigade Artillery 9 Sep 1841
click to view detail Turtle Isiah Gunner 1st Troop 1st Brigade Artillery 20 Oct 1841
click to view detail Turtle Henry Gunner 5th Troop 4th Brigade Artillery 20 Oct 1841
click to view detail Taylor Robert Gunner 3rd Battn. Artillery 20 Oct 1841
click to view detail Thraves Mark Gunner 3rd Battn. Artillery 17 Nov 1841
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