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 Kydganj Cemetery
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Kydganj Blank Gravestones Burial Index [ASI]
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Displaying 31 to 60 of 150 results

Surname   Christian Names Click to sort by Christian  Names  Rank Click to sort by Rank  Date Of Death Click to sort by Date  Of  Death 
click to view detail Deaves Grace   24 February 1903
click to view detail Devine Florence   1st October 1880
click to view detail Douglas Annie   21 August 1956
click to view detail Douglas Ivon   6th Jan 1898
click to view detail Douglas Brian   13 aug 1866
click to view detail Duke Emily   25 July 1900
click to view detail Durand Henry   20 sept 1883
click to view detail Dyson Thomas   19 February 1904
click to view detail Edgerly Thomas   4 july 1867
click to view detail Elvin Ann   26 feb 1899
click to view detail Emanual Fanny   16 April 1901
click to view detail Emmerson James   25 march 1889
click to view detail English John   16 april 1882
click to view detail Erskine Henry   8th Oct 1897
click to view detail Fabritge Elvin   04 July 1913
click to view detail Fagan, Derick   27th October 1865,
click to view detail Fields Henry   23rd Oct 1879
click to view detail Francis Tinu   28th Jan 1919
click to view detail Gardner Aldrin   17 jun 1886
click to view detail Genkins Martha   30th June 1999
click to view detail Gerrand Robert   10th April 1886
click to view detail Gill C Surgeon 27 September 1907
click to view detail Goldsack John Henry   11th May 1902
click to view detail Goldsmith Nile   16th December 1902
click to view detail Goldsmith Alfred   15th Oct 1886
click to view detail Gomes Amy   18 may 1889
click to view detail Gorrie Richard   25th December 1888
click to view detail Haddow Andrew   26th Nov 1888
click to view detail Haies John   9th November 1886
click to view detail Haldane Edward   19 jul 1886
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