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 St Thomas Mount, Madras
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St Patricks RC Church, St Thomas Mount - Burial registers 1837
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Displaying 661 to 690 of 1021 results

Burial Date   First Name Click to sort by First  Name  Surname Click to sort by Surname 
click to view detail 27 Jan 1851 Francisca  
click to view detail 27 Jul 1843 Sebastianna  
click to view detail 27 Jun 1841 Anthony (Illeg.)  
click to view detail 27 Jun 1849 Mariamah  
click to view detail 27 Kar 1848 Maliathal  
click to view detail 27 Mar 1851 Mariamah  
click to view detail 27 May 1849 James O'Brien
click to view detail 27 May 1851 Thomas (Coady)
click to view detail 27 Nov 1842 Henry Johnston
click to view detail 27 Nov 1845 Chavarimoothoo  
click to view detail 27 Nov 1847 Viacoolum  
click to view detail 27 Nov 1852 Terence Cronin
click to view detail 27 Nov 1855 Gabriel  
click to view detail 27 Oct 1844 Augustinea Dessoux
click to view detail 27 Sep 1845 David Reilly
click to view detail 27 Sep 1845 Susan Blake
click to view detail 27 Sep 1848 Margaret Shehan
click to view detail 27 Sep 1849 Kitheriamal  
click to view detail 27 Sep 1851 Denis Reardon
click to view detail 27 Sep 1852 Aumoorthun  
click to view detail 28 Apr 1841 Chavariamal  
click to view detail 28 Apr 1847 Suntheagoo  
click to view detail 28 Apr 1849 Santhoo  
click to view detail 28 Apr 1853 Mariamal  
click to view detail 28 Apr 1853 Saverimoothoo  
click to view detail 28 Aug 1846 Francis  
click to view detail 28 Aug 1852 Anthoniamah  
click to view detail 28 Aug 1855 Royapen  
click to view detail 28 Dec 1840 John  
click to view detail 28 Dec 1844 Chavariamal  
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