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 Chandernagore Civil Death registration Index
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Transcription of original records located at the Centre d'archives d'Outre-mer at Aix-en-Provence in France
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Civil Registration of Deaths in Chandernagore (1865-1899)
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Displaying 301 to 330 of 403 results

Given Names Click to sort by Given  Names  Surname Click to sort by Surname  Date Died Click to sort by Date  Died  Year Died Click to sort by Year  Died 
click to view detail Thomas Salvador Oct - 20 1888
click to view detail Fran�ois Antoine Lafargue Apr - 17 1887
click to view detail Annie O'Hallaran May - 3 1889
click to view detail Marguerite Erskine May - 5 1889
click to view detail Everett Somervil Fraizar May - 26 1889
click to view detail Alexandre Erskine May - 27 1889
click to view detail Fran�ois Gerald Dumaine Jul - 25 1889
click to view detail Pierre Paul Brunet Aug - 29 1889
click to view detail Joseph Erskine Nov - 30 1889
click to view detail Alexandrine Lehuraux Dec - 11 1889
click to view detail Caroline F�licit� Dumaine Jul - 2 1890
click to view detail Ernest Morau May - 12 1890
click to view detail Louis Galopin May - 22 1890
click to view detail (...........?) Galopin May - 29 1890
click to view detail William Richard Adolphus Filmer Jul - 6 1890
click to view detail Ad�le Luctken Jul - 23 1890
click to view detail Elizabeth Cbary Aug - 6 1890
click to view detail Marie Cammaille Aug - 12 1890
click to view detail Alice Erskine Oct - 18 1890
click to view detail Caroline Peter Nov - 6 1890
click to view detail Emilie Jefferson Nov - 12 1890
click to view detail John Samuel Bristow Nov - 23 1890
click to view detail Marguerite Armand Dec - 22 1890
click to view detail Alfred Marie Joseph Molinier De Montplanque Feb - 23 1891
click to view detail Still born Lehuraux Mar - 30 1891
click to view detail Edith Rayneau Mar - 26 1891
click to view detail Pauline Corbet Jun - 26 1891
click to view detail Charles Filmer Jul - 19 1891
click to view detail Louisa Sinaes Aug - 26 1891
click to view detail Still born Chautrelle Sep - 3 1891
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