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 The European Magazine & London Review
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Entries transcribed from The European Magazine published in London from 1782 until 1826.
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Bengal Army List 1787
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Displaying 1081 to 1110 of 1129 results

Surname   Forename Click to sort by Forename  Rank Click to sort by Rank  Service Click to sort by Service 
click to view detail Williams John Supernumerary Captain Infantry
click to view detail Williams John Lieutenant Infantry
click to view detail Williams John Lieutenant Infantry
click to view detail Williams Walter Lieutenant Infantry
click to view detail Williams Andrew Surgeon Major Surgeons
click to view detail Williams John Surgeon Surgeons
click to view detail Williams John Assistant Surgeon Surgeons
click to view detail Williams Walter Assistant Surgeon Surgeons
click to view detail Williamson James Supernumerary Captain Infantry
click to view detail Williamson Thomas Lieutenant Infantry
click to view detail Williamson Thomas Lieutenant Infantry
click to view detail Williamson Alexander Assistant Surgeon Surgeons
click to view detail Williamson Christian Assistant Surgeon Surgeons
click to view detail Willis Henry Lieutenant Artillery
click to view detail Willoughby James Lieutenant Infantry
click to view detail Willoughby Richard Lieutenant Infantry
click to view detail Wilson George Supernumerary Captain Infantry
click to view detail Wilson Charles C Supernumerary Ensign Infantry
click to view detail Wilson James Assistant Surgeon Surgeons
click to view detail Wilson Robert Assistant Surgeon Surgeons
click to view detail Wilton George Lieutenant Infantry
click to view detail Winbolt William Supernumerary Ensign Infantry
click to view detail Wingrove John Supernumerary Lieutenant Infantry
click to view detail Winwood John J Lieutenant Infantry
click to view detail Winyates Thomas Lieutenant Infantry
click to view detail Witherstone John Captain Infantry
click to view detail Wittit John Lieutenant Fireworker Artillery
click to view detail Wood William Captain Infantry
click to view detail Wood George Supernumerary Captain Infantry
click to view detail Wood Jonathan Supernumerary Captain Infantry
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