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 Allens Indian Mail
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Birth, marriages and death entries extracted from the domestic occurrences mentioned in Allens Indian Mail.
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Home Marriages 1889
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Displaying 61 to 90 of 268 results

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click to view detail Peach Charles Stanley Newton Charlotte Justina 1889
click to view detail Dickinson Alfred Ernest Fitzherbert Cicely Frances 1889
click to view detail Moir John Drew Allaway Constance 1889
click to view detail Smythies Edward Powell Welchman Constance Caroline 1889
click to view detail Anderson John Alexander Willmott (Bisd�e) Constance Elizabeth 1889
click to view detail Constable Clifford Helder Constance Emily 1889
click to view detail Orpen Charles H. Chatterton Hesketh Constance Lucy 1889
click to view detail Levita Harry P. Ellison Constance Mary 1889
click to view detail Heath Frederick Crofton Helsham-Jones Constance Mary 1889
click to view detail Solomon Henry Behrens Edith 1889
click to view detail Baxter George Washington Fagan Edith 1889
click to view detail Baxter George W. Fagan Edith 1889
click to view detail Archibald Andrew Manley Murray Edith Ellen 1889
click to view detail Lawrence Henry John Hughes Hogarth Edith Georgina 1889
click to view detail Raven W. Roland Fairbrother Edith Hester Maria O'Neill 1889
click to view detail Souter Frank T.E. Holliday Edith Minnie 1889
click to view detail Souter Frank T.E. Holliday Edith Minnie 1889
click to view detail Cadell Henry Moubray Simson Elinor 1889
click to view detail Lendon Richard Henry Hewitt Eliza 1889
click to view detail Davis George F. Atkinson Eliza W. 1889
click to view detail Holden H.C.L. Farrant Elizabeth 1889
click to view detail Fowler William Hastings Candler Elizabeth Annie 1889
click to view detail MacGeorge Harry King Pegg Elizabeth Christiana 1889
click to view detail Cadell Robert Cunningham Elizabeth Douglas 1889
click to view detail Wade George Edward Macintyre Ella 1889
click to view detail Hemans Willoughby Bathurst Maitland Ella Laura Katherine 1889
click to view detail De Muller Walter Joseph Edward Delamain Ella Louisa Francisca 1889
click to view detail Dodson T.H. Ward Ellen Amelia 1888
click to view detail Horniblow Frederick Scott Ellen Augusta 1889
click to view detail Powell John Keal Powell Ellen Martha 1889
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