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 Times of India - Newspaper
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Arrivals and departure notices extracted from the Times of India newspaper. The years 1861-1865, 1867-1888 have been digitised and available to download on the findmypast website.

PLEASE NOTE: Accuracy of name spelling in the Times of India arrival and departure notices is variable. Any errors will almost definitely be due to an error on the Times of India part and not a transcription error.
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Times of India, 1892 - Arrivals
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213 Pages:  First Previous 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 ..81 ..89 ..103 ..131 Next Last

Displaying 1411 to 1440 of 6381 results

Date Click to sort by Date  Year Click to sort by Year  Passenger Surname Click to sort by Passenger  Surname  other names Click to sort by other names  Title  
click to view detail 8 Jan 1892 Askell G Major 4thKing'sRlRifles
click to view detail 8 Jan 1892 Walker MCBF Major 4thKing'sRlRifles
click to view detail 8 Jan 1892 Champion AHNW Major 4thLeinster
click to view detail 18 Feb 1892 Paget H Major 7th Hus
click to view detail 28 Mar 1892 Mills GA Major 7th Rl Dub Fusi
click to view detail 25 Feb 1892 Rossetter HD Major Adjt-Genl's Dept
click to view detail 17 Oct 1892 Curson M Major Hon
click to view detail 28 Mar 1892 Brunker JFS Major RA
click to view detail 2 Jul 1892 Lister   Major RE
click to view detail 18 Feb 1892 Snort WH Major RHA
click to view detail 18 Feb 1892 Simpson HCCD Major RHA
click to view detail 18 Feb 1892 Simpson JM Major RHA
click to view detail 18 Feb 1892 Wrence AJC Major RW Fus
click to view detail 1 Nov 1892 Rawlins H de C Major Scottish Rifles
click to view detail 18 Feb 1892 Routh NR Major Suffolk
click to view detail 12 Apr 1892 Smith EA Major, RA
click to view detail 28 Feb 1892 Johnson Henry Major, Sir, Bart
click to view detail 20 Mar 1892 Stewart   Major-Gen
click to view detail 19 Nov 1892 White George Major-General Sir
click to view detail 26 Nov 1892 Sandys ED Major2ndBtNorthantsR
click to view detail 2 Jan 1892 Crowder W Master
click to view detail 10 Jan 1892 Hickson B Master
click to view detail 10 Jan 1892 Skinner   Master
click to view detail 23 Jan 1892 Carroll   Master
click to view detail 24 Jan 1892 Murray   Master
click to view detail 31 Jan 1892 Chadderton   Master
click to view detail 22 Feb 1892 Bunard G Master
click to view detail 3 Apr 1892 Taylor   Master
click to view detail 8 Apr 1892 Darley   Master
click to view detail 9 May 1892 Baker   Master
213 Pages:  First Previous 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 ..81 ..89 ..103 ..131 Next Last
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