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 Times of India - Newspaper
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Arrivals and departure notices extracted from the Times of India newspaper. The years 1861-1865, 1867-1888 have been digitised and available to download on the findmypast website.

PLEASE NOTE: Accuracy of name spelling in the Times of India arrival and departure notices is variable. Any errors will almost definitely be due to an error on the Times of India part and not a transcription error.
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Times of India, 1890 - Arrivals
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Displaying 421 to 450 of 6619 results

Date Click to sort by Date  Year Click to sort by Year  Passenger Surname Click to sort by Passenger  Surname  other names   Title Click to sort by Title 
click to view detail 30 Nov 1890 Geidt B G Mr
click to view detail 31 Oct 1890 Murlano B M Mr
click to view detail 2 Oct 1890 Dunlop B M Miss
click to view detail 5 Apr 1890 Ward B R Lieut, DSO, RE
click to view detail 5 Jul 1890 Banerjee Baboo S Nath  
click to view detail 28 Dec 1889 Joomee Babu  
click to view detail 22 Dec 1890 Haji Mahomed Babur Saheb  
click to view detail 31 Aug 1890 Sabniji Bahadur R Khan
click to view detail 7 Feb 1890 Mirza Bahdur  
click to view detail 7 Feb 1890 Boshnanath Bahramel Bawla Bahadur Nawab
click to view detail 27 May 1890 Kassinath Balchunder Mr
click to view detail 15 Dec 1890 Latham Baldwin Mr
click to view detail 13 Dec 1890 Mahomed Baslunbhoy Mr
click to view detail 19 Nov 1890 Michele Bassi Mr
click to view detail 16 Jun 1890 Thompson BB Mr
click to view detail 28 Jan 1890 Williams BCW Lieut 2nd York
click to view detail 11 Mar 1890 Armstrong BD Mr
click to view detail 19 Mar 1890 Motte BD Major 18th Hussars
click to view detail 28 Sep 1890 Church BE 2nd-Lieut 16th Lancers
click to view detail 20 Nov 1890 Asiz Bedar Mr
click to view detail 20 Nov 1890 Khalad Bedar Mr
click to view detail 5 Jul 1890 Irving Bell Mr
click to view detail 9 Sep 1890 Tacke Bernard Mr
click to view detail 19 Mar 1890 Drake BF Capt RA
click to view detail 19 Mar 1890 Stuart BFB 2nd-Lieut Worcester
click to view detail 29 Dec 1890 Smithe BG Mr
click to view detail 14 Mar 1890 Thomas BH Lieut 1st Worcester Regt
click to view detail 28 Sep 1890 Scott BH Surg Med Staff
click to view detail 26 Dec 1890 Randolph BH Capt 1st Worcester
click to view detail 15 Feb 1890 Essoofally Bhaimeya Mr
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