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 Times of India - Newspaper
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Arrivals and departure notices extracted from the Times of India newspaper. The years 1861-1865, 1867-1888 have been digitised and available to download on the findmypast website.

PLEASE NOTE: Accuracy of name spelling in the Times of India arrival and departure notices is variable. Any errors will almost definitely be due to an error on the Times of India part and not a transcription error.
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Times of India, 1881 - Bombay Arrivals
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Displaying 241 to 270 of 4724 results

Date Click to sort by Date  Year Click to sort by Year  Passenger Surname Click to sort by Passenger  Surname  other names   Title Click to sort by Title 
click to view detail 15 Apr 1881 Schmidt B Mr
click to view detail 2 May 1881 Narayen B Mr
click to view detail 31 May 1881 Russell B Col. Sir
click to view detail 4 Jul 1881 Channer B Capt
click to view detail 9 Aug 1881 Lake B Mr
click to view detail 29 Aug 1881 ��. B Major
click to view detail 6 Oct 1881 Weatherhead B Miss
click to view detail 47 Oct 1909 Deane Freeman B Lieut 2nd Lancashire Fusiliers
click to view detail 21 Oct 1881 O'Brien B Mr
click to view detail 22 Oct 1881 Raymond B Mr
click to view detail 24 Oct 1881 Frend B Major 4th King's Rifle Volunteers
click to view detail 6 Nov 1881 Pierpoint B Mr
click to view detail 13 Dec 1881 James B Miss
click to view detail 13 Dec 1881 Moore B Mr
click to view detail 13 Dec 1881 Cowasjee B Mr
click to view detail 8 Feb 1881 Rhund B De Mr
click to view detail 3 Jan 1881 Whiteford B K Pay Mr APD
click to view detail 3 Jan 1881 Revell B K Hon Lieut PWD
click to view detail 29 Jan 1881 Gordon B L Col RHA
click to view detail 64 Oct 1926 Johnstone BA Lieut 2nd Hampshire
click to view detail 14 Sep 1881 Tall Baba Mr
click to view detail 14 Sep 1881 Tasillo Barberis Mr
click to view detail 12 Jan 1881 Kerr BC Surg-Major AMD and Mrs
click to view detail 13 Apr 1881 Setna BC Mr
click to view detail 12 Apr 1881 Forest BD de Mr
click to view detail 20 Dec 1881 Davis Bell Mr
click to view detail 1 Dec 1881 Clay Bertie Mr
click to view detail 12 Jan 1881 Wynell Mayour BJ 2nd Lieut 81st Foot
click to view detail 18 Nov 1881 Eranee BK Mr
click to view detail 10 Jan 1881 Coombe Boyce Mrs
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