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 Allens Indian Mail
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Birth, marriages and death entries extracted from the domestic occurrences mentioned in Allens Indian Mail.
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All India Marriages 1870
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Displaying 331 to 360 of 417 results

Groom Surname Click to sort by Groom  Surname  Groom First names Click to sort by Groom  First names  Bride Surname   Bride First names Click to sort by Bride  First names  Year Click to sort by Year 
click to view detail Branfill B.R. Shakespear Amy S. 1870
click to view detail Will G.E. Shaw Mildred A. 1870
click to view detail Hunter James R. Shaw Fanny L. 1870
click to view detail Dalrymple-Clark Ian Shaw-Stewart Helenora Grace 1870
click to view detail Buchanan R.F. Shelley Sarah H. 1870
click to view detail Lungley Robert B. Sheppard Hannah L. 1870
click to view detail Lungley Robert B. Sheppard Hannah L. 1870
click to view detail Anderson Benjamin Sherman Louisa E. 1870
click to view detail Partridge E. T. Shillingford Mary A. 1870
click to view detail Brearey John E. Shortt Cecilia 1869
click to view detail Peacock B. Showers Georgina 1870
click to view detail Demetrius A. Simeon Mary 1869
click to view detail Smith F. Skinner Amelia 1870
click to view detail Tait G. H. Slater Mary J. 1870
click to view detail Atkins Robert Slattery Rosanna M. 1870
click to view detail Walker A. Smail Anne 1869
click to view detail Massy George Smart Jane M. 1870
click to view detail Poyser Richard Smith Anne M. C. 1870
click to view detail Firth L. Edwin St. John Smith Alice L. P. 1870
click to view detail Smith W. Smith Alice A. 1870
click to view detail Dench C. Smith Eliza 1870
click to view detail Swiney G.C. Smylie Ruth 1870
click to view detail Higginson F.W. Smyth Katherine S. 1870
click to view detail Higginson Frederick W. Smyth Katharine S. 1870
click to view detail Jackson T. W. Spencer Charlotte L. 1870
click to view detail Carter T. E. Spink Elizabeth A. 1869
click to view detail Potter C.D. Stanley Charlotte M. 1870
click to view detail Ranson Ralph Sterling Caroline 1870
click to view detail Anderson Alfred Stevens Fanny 1869
click to view detail Campbell W. Stewart Frances A. 1870
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