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 Allens Indian Mail
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Birth, marriages and death entries extracted from the domestic occurrences mentioned in Allens Indian Mail.
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All India Births 1869
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Displaying 181 to 210 of 1484 results

Surname   Son/daughter Click to sort by Son/daughter  Place Click to sort by Place  Year Click to sort by Year 
click to view detail Briscoe son Cawnpore 1869
click to view detail Britain twin girls Bangalore 1869
click to view detail Britten daughter Bhosawul 1869
click to view detail Broadway daughter Rhotuck 1869
click to view detail Brockman son Lucknow 1869
click to view detail Brockman daughter Mudnapully 1869
click to view detail Brodhurst daughter Benares 1869
click to view detail Brodie daughter Shekhbudin 1869
click to view detail Bromhead son Morar 1869
click to view detail Brookes daughter Samialapooram 1869
click to view detail Brooks son   1869
click to view detail Brooks son Bandora 1869
click to view detail Broucke daughter Buggah Depot 1869
click to view detail Broughton daughter Calcutta 1869
click to view detail Brown son Calcutta 1868
click to view detail Brown son Mazagon 1869
click to view detail Brown son Madras 1869
click to view detail Brown son Darjeeling 1869
click to view detail Brown son Agra 1869
click to view detail Brown-Constable son Fullertol, Luckipore 1869
click to view detail Browne daughter Futtehgurh 1869
click to view detail Browne son Mussoorie 1869
click to view detail Browne son Mussoorie 1869
click to view detail Browne son   1869
click to view detail Brownlow son Meerut 1869
click to view detail Bruce son Free School-street 1869
click to view detail Bruce daughter Calcutta 1869
click to view detail Brunton son Benares 1869
click to view detail Brunton daughter Bombay 1869
click to view detail Bruse son Madras 1869
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