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 The Times of India
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Births, marriages, and deaths as reported in the Domestic Occurrences section of the Times of India newspaper. The years 1861-1865, 1867-1888 have been digitised and available to download on the findmypast website.
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Deaths 1921
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Displaying 661 to 690 of 1155 results

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click to view detail Vishvanathji Vaidraj Dinanathji 1921 Jun 5
click to view detail Danson Edmund Wilmot 1921 May 23
click to view detail Rebeiro Mary 1921 May 31
click to view detail Squires William 1921 May 30
click to view detail Captain Dorabji Sorabji 1921 Jun 8
click to view detail Cloney Charles Gregory Sheridan 1921 May 31
click to view detail Fisher Allan Rupert 1921 May 31
click to view detail Broughton Harold 1921 Jun 9
click to view detail Welsh Hilda 1921 Jun 4
click to view detail Colah Jehangji M 1921 Jun 10
click to view detail North Arthur Thomas Norman 1921 Jun 10
click to view detail Sanby Alice Elizabeth 1921 May 30
click to view detail Garrad Timothy Richard John 1921 Jun 10
click to view detail Karani Nasservanji Dhunjibhoy 1921 Jun 12
click to view detail Ritchson William Edward 1921 Jun 1
click to view detail Cadd Charles-Jabez 1921 Jun 4
click to view detail Hodgen Evelyn Thompson 1921 Jun 1
click to view detail Sherren Grace Isabella 1921 Jun 8
click to view detail Bingham John Thomas 1921 Jun 11
click to view detail Forbes Vernon Roch 1921 Jun 4
click to view detail Oppenheim Samuel 1921 Jun 8
click to view detail Baria Piroja 1921 Jun 15
click to view detail Duncan James R 1921 Jun 8
click to view detail Lee George Antony 1921 Jun 8
click to view detail Campbell Joseph Archibald 1921 Jun 5
click to view detail Cooper Dorabji Rustomji 1921 Jun 16
click to view detail Rao Rattiangao Nariano 1921 Jun 18
click to view detail Chitale Radhabai 1921 Jun 10
click to view detail Leach Margaret 1921 Jun 6
click to view detail Willingdon Fred 1921 Jun 16
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